Pinterest is a versatile, easy-to-navigate online pin board tool that displays visuals and text linked to websites. 
I used Pinterest to research my characters and I created a board where I added images that associated well with my characters. Below you can see the pinterest board i made and called it 'Social Groups'. My Pinterest Page

An infographic tool with a wide variety of templates including useful charts (pie charts, bar charts taken in through Excel). Pictochart works well for presenting your research and ideas in a graphic way. 

Blogger hosted all my other new technologies at the research and planning stage. As a multi-media social networking tool it allowed me to collate, archive, display and create research and planning with images, videos, sound files and posts that I could share with my group. It hosted all my other presentational tools, from Emaze to Slideshare. Later, I used it for feedback (adding my work in progress) and evaluation of my finished work (on YouTube).  It is easy to use and very versatile. My blog is the hub of all my production work. 
I have used blogger to host all of media studies course work

Twitter is an online news and social networking service where users can post and read short 140-character messages called "tweets". For me Twitter is a great place to learn new concepts, read news in the media and get inspiration for new ideas. By creating my twitter account, I can begin to build on my knowledge of media by reading tweets from great minds and communities.Look at the post that I have prepared for you about the usefulness of Twitter. Our class blog describes this here
Alan Rusbridger: Why Twitter matters 
My Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/megansedgwick1

I used EMAZE to present 'WHO IS YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE FOR YOUR FILM'. I found this platform a clear way to present my work and there was many design features available to personalise your work. 


Slideshare is smiler to EMAZE however this is a platform where you can present research online that you have put together on a pervious platform, such as 'Power Point'. I used SlideShare to present my research on 

ATTRACTING AND ADDRESSING AUDIENCES. I felt this was also a very accessible and clear way to present my work. 


Pinterest allowed us to collect together a series of images for the mies-en-scene  and . We sourced images of 1950s detectives, what they wore and their postures and gestures. This was essential planning to guide our directing of the scenes. We needed to create an authentic period feel. We also wanted to convey the weariness, reluctance and underlying hard-boiled quality of our central detective figure. We constructed our characters using pictures of Philip Marlowe and Sam Spade with their feet on the desk, their hands wrapped round a whiskey tumbler with the smoke from a cigarette curling on the desk. Pinterest is a collaborative tool that let us build up an image bank. 



A collaborative technology for note-making that provides a platform for recording thoughts and work in progress. Each member of the group can then see each other's work and collaborate in the joint platform using mobiles and computers.

Mac Users may plan together using FaceTime as a video conferencing tool. FaceTime was important to us because it is live chat with a visual dimension, so it is virtually like a real conversation, allowing us to show each other our ideas for props and blog posts as we chatted. It is spontaneous, immediate and free to use.

I used my phone to talk to my group and keep in contact for filming location and production ideas. 

Snapchat is an image messaging and multimedia mobile application created by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown. We used this a lot in our group to communicate different ideas and for planning the film. 

I used What'sApp to keep in touch when planning with my group. WhatsApp Messenger uses the Internet to make voice calls, one to one video calls; send text messages, documents, PDF files, images, GIF, videos, user location, audio files, phone contacts and voice notes to other users using standard mobile numbers.


Canon D550, D650 You may make your production company ident in After Effects (or STOP FRAME ANIMATION)
The group made a Facebook account and page for our film to use as distribution. 

Whether you’re using a Mac or an iOS device, iMovie is a fantastic way to edit movies today. It was a great way for us to add sound effects, cut clips and add titles to create our final film opening.

I used this for inviting feedback on my video as I uploaded my final film opening onto Youtube. I used the annotations on media to answer my question one. 

1 comment:

  1. You have used a variety of new technologies confidently and you illustrate some of them here. this would benefit from proof-reading and more visuals.
