Art of the Title (Guardians of the Galaxy)
of the Galaxy is an American superhero film created in 2014, directed by James Gunn. It’s based around a
group of intergalactic criminals who are forced to work together to stop a
fanatical warrior from taking control of the universe. Guardians of the Galaxy is
well known for having a fantastic soundtrack, this is also conveyed in the
title sequence. I decided to focus on the title sequence of this film because I
felt the title sequence really put across to the audience what kind of
character Peter Quill (the main character) is like.
The title sequence quickly sets the
scene, as the first shot is of a planet in space with subtext saying ‘25 years
later’, telling us the boy has grown up and is now a man. Instantly we learn
this film is an intergalactic style film. The text is then removed by a text
like cursor which is followed by non-diegetic sound, much like a computer
sounds, re-enforcing the theme of futuristic technology. The text is then
followed by more saying ‘ MORAG, abandoned planet’.
we move onto the planet, where we see a wide shot of a decrepit landscape. Part
of the mise-en-scene includes
a rocky, rough terrain, as a layer of smoke lays above the ground creating a mysterious
atmosphere. There is continuous torrential rainfall, followed by random burst
of water from the ground, reminding us this is a supernatural environment. Then
we go on to notice the arrival of a small space ship and the character Peter
Quill enters the scene, played by the actor Chris Pratt. As he enters the
actors begin to be presented on the screen in a bold yellow text. As he walks
though the terrain we can hear a quiet piece of music that creates a serious
and tense atmosphere.
after we go on to see a close up to Peters strange looking metal mask, with
piercing red eyes, conveying him as a serious character. As he keeps walking,
he goes on to take out an object which shows him the path he need to follow to
reach his destination.
soon as he reaches the entrance of the building he stops, proceeds to remove
his mask and takes out his beloved tape recorder and places his head phones on
his head. WE see a close up of his face, as his eyes search the scene. There is
an instant change of atmosphere as the song ‘Come get your love’ by Redbone
begins to play. He starts to dance along to his destination now, as opposed to
before when he simply walked. I feel that the song reflects Peter’s true
personality, which is playful and youthful. As soon as the song’s lyrics begin a
bold yellow font reads ‘ GURDIANS OF THE GALAXY’,
the majority of the screen, however we are still able to watch Peter dancing to
the music in the background.
childlike behavior continues as he kicks around rodent like creatures to the rhythm
of the music. He picks up one of the creatures and uses it as a pretend
microphone, re-enforcing his playful character. We see a few pan shots that
move around the central character as he continues to dance to the music.
You draw attention to the codes and conventions of the genre of film openings. You respond to the mise-en-scene, editing, sound, narrative and characters. Good.